Thursday, July 8, 2010

Malas Kerja

hari ini entah mengapa males bgt buat kerja....dateng udah jam 10, dikirain udah super telat,, eh ternyata bos kacung sm senior gwe belom dateng... kantor apa ini???? suasana mendukung banget niy buat tarik selimut lagi...:)) harusnya emng hari ini dibikin gak masuk kantor ky nya...thanks God this is thursday.. one day a way for the weekend.. can't wait for this weekend.. Going to meet my Gengges from college "SALMADILAH".. please don't ask why the name sounds weird... but somehow it's described the odd attitude of its members, including me... everyone has the nickname in this gengges..gak sabar juga ktemu my soulmate, Mrs. Mianugraha and her hubby Mr. Adit Nugraha also the Baby N in her tummy...The destination will be Sen C and brighstpot bazaar in Plasa Indonesia..last, I am going to meet my big tata and her hubby,, it's been a month i did not meet them...miss our little chit chat in my room, while her hubby playing mafia wars..:)
just want to forward the time to 6.00 pm and end it this office hours soon....and move forward to friday 6 pm and having MY SUPER WEEKEND....:))

ooppss my senior has arrived... should go back to my workshit!!!! *crossmyfingerthisdaygoingtobeagooday